
We grant you the best and long-lasting quality of production, in accordance with the drawings receiving and our hand welded manufacturing. Our offers are in line with our awareness of the demand for perfect quality and reasonable prices.

Small Systems Compair S / ChipCollector

Chip Collektor CC-SCB

Low-cost small system for extracting chips and coarse dust particles. Filter equipment: Bag filter (F5). Suitable for 230V as well as for 115V operation voltage (switchable).

FPV-Series , Designed to collect a large amount of dust
CompairS / Compair SD

Compair devices are equipped with a pre-filter pad (F5) and a combined filter element containing a particle filter (H13) and an activated carbon filter. You can chose between two different motor types: Brush motor = CompairS Brushless motor = CompairSD (for continuous operation over several hours)
>>> Cost-saving and compact small system