Useful Information
The filter does not use the What Happens?
• Reduced heat transfer and energy consumption of the devices proliferate dollars serpentine fins• Motor turns very, very expires tıkanmalarla
• Hygiene be provided (operating rooms, etc.).
• Germs can transfer.
• Be provided the desired temperature and hygiene
![SNK Produce Fresh Air Technology](img/bizdenhaber.jpg)
Generell beinhalten die Auswirkungen von Luftschadstoffen auf die menschliche Gesundheit?
1. The pollutants are stored in the body cells, including nerve endings in the region of mechanical and chemical rritasyonu.2. Deterioration of the respiratory mechanism.
3. Existing respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses.
4. Attenuation mechanism for particle removal, and protection against other parasites breeders.
5. Negative effect on the immune system against parasite nebatlara animal feed.
6. Lung cells, morphological (formal) changes.
7. Kansere consists of causing such effects.
Precision assembly and operation of the hospital ventilation systems projelendirebilir solution is made by a qualified technical team of expert system more secure, efficient, and a structure without risk of infection and filter systems kavuşur.SNK with the machine you are thinking about your health to improve quality of life, we use independent qualifications.